Article content: I. Procedures for importing electric fans II. How to calculate import tax for electric fans III. Dossier set for importing electric fans IV. Procedures for importing electric fans V. Register to check the quality of electric fans VI. Registration process for electric fan energy labeling VII. Things to note when carrying out procedures to import electric fans VIII. Conclude
Electric fans are a popular cooling device in every family. Electric fans are always a highly consumed product in the summer, especially energy-saving fans. Although domestically produced electric fans are very rich and diverse, Vietnam still imports a lot from countries such as Japan, Korea, China, America, Europe, Thailand,...

Today there are many types of electric fans and are classified by many different methods such as fan type, function, energy source, etc. However, to make it easier for you to understand the inspection policies when importing these types electric fan, H-Cargo Logistics offers the following table:
Type of electric fan | Quality inspection & certification of conformity | Energy efficiency & energy labeling |
Table fans, standing fans, wall fans, ceiling fans | Yes | Yes |
Floor fans, tower fans, bladeless fans, ventilation fans use single-phase electricity | Yes | No |
Air conditioning fans, mini handheld fans, battery-powered fans, radiator fans, industrial fans (capacity over 125W, using 3-phase electricity) | No | No |
The above information is specified in the following two legal documents:
Decision no 2711/QĐ-BKHCN regarding the list of group 2 goods subject to specialized inspection;
Decision no 14/2023/QĐ-TTg of the Prime Minister on the list of goods that must be tested for minimum energy efficiency.
I. Procedures for importing electric fans
1.1 Policy on importing electric fans
The procedures for importing electric fans are stipulated in the following legal documents:
Decision 04/2017/QD-TTg dated March 9, 2017;
Circular 38/2015/TT-BTC dated March 25, 2015, amended and supplemented by 39/2018/TT-BTC dated April 20, 2018;
Decree 69/2018/ND-CP dated May 15, 2018;
Circular 3810/QD-BKHCN dated December 18, 2019;
Decree 43/2017/ND-CP dated April 14, 2017;
Decree 128/2020/ND-CP dated October 19, 2020.
According to the above legal documents, electric fans are not on the list of prohibited imports. However, used electric fans are on the list of prohibited imports. If you intend to import used goods, you need a scrap import license.
However, for some types of electric fans such as table fans, standing fans, school fans, etc., when carrying out procedures for importing electric fans, you must register for quality inspection of imported goods and energy labeling.
Regarding the process of quality inspection and energy labeling for electric fans, please continue to follow the next sections. If you need support or have any questions about these regulations, please contact us via hotline or email for detailed advice.
1.2 HS code of electric fans
The HS code of goods is a series of numbers applied to each type of goods globally. When carrying out the procedures for importing electric fans, the first thing to do is to determine the HS code of the type of electric fan being imported. The HS code is usually in the form of the first 4 to 6 digits for each specific type of goods in the world. Therefore, when importing, you should refer to the HS code provided by the supplier.
Description | HS Code | Normal import tax (%) | Preferential import tax (%) | VAT (%) |
Table fans and box fans, with self-contained electric motor of an output not exceeding 125W | 84145110 | 45 | 30 | 8 |
Floor fans, wall fans, window fans, ceiling fans or roof fans, with self-contained electric motors of an output not exceeding 125W, provided with protective grilles. | 84145191 | 37,5 | 25 | 8 |
Other types of fans, with a power not exceeding 125W. | 84145199 | 37,5 | 25 | 8 |
Because electric fans have many models and many HS codes, you should be careful in determining the correct HS code when carrying out procedures to import electric fans. Determining the wrong HS code will bring certain risks to you such as:
Delaying customs procedures;
Being fined for declaring incorrect HS codes according to Decree 128/2020/ND-CP;
Delayed delivery: If the goods are found to have declared incorrect HS codes, the customs authority may request correction or clarification of information. This may lead to delays in delivery and affect the production and business cycle of the enterprise;
In case of import tax, you will face a fine of at least VND 2,000,000 and a maximum of 3 times the tax amount.
II. How to calculate import tax for electric fans
For goods to be imported and consumed in the Vietnamese market, the importer must fulfill its tax obligations to the state. Import tax for electric fans is divided into two main types: import tax and import Value Added Tax (VAT).
To accurately determine the import tax amount, you can refer to the method of calculating import tax for electric fans below:
Import tax is determined by the HS code. Import tax is calculated according to the formula:
Import tax = CIF value x % tax rate
CIF value is determined by the ex-factory value of the goods plus all costs to bring the goods to the first border gate of the importing country.
Import VAT is determined according to the formula:
Value added tax = (CIF value + Import tax) x % tax rate.
According to the above formula, it can be seen that import tax depends on the HS code of electric fans. Therefore, when carrying out procedures to import electric fans, it is necessary to accurately determine the HS code. Applying the wrong HS code may result in penalties according to the law.
III. Electric fan import dossier
The dossier for import procedures for electric fans in particular and other goods in general. Stipulated in Circular 38/2015/TT-BTC dated March 25, 2015; amended and supplemented by 39/2018/TT-BTC dated April 20, 2018.
The dossier for import procedures for electric fans includes the following documents:
Customs declaration;
Commercial invoice;
Bill of lading;
Packing list;
Sale contract;
Quality inspection registration dossier;
Energy labeling dossier;
Certificate of origin (C/O), if any;
Catalog (or document describing the technical characteristics of the product), if any.
Among the documents listed above, the set of documents for importing electric fans must include: Customs declaration, bill of lading, commercial invoice, energy labeling documents, quality inspection documents. Other documents must be supplemented when requested by customs.
The certificate of origin is not a mandatory document for customs documents. However, this document is very important in applying special preferential tax rates, which are much lower than the original tax rates through bilateral and multilateral agreements of Vietnam.
Energy labeling documents are applied to each specific product model. The validity of an energy labeling document is indefinite until there is a new legal document regulating it. In the case of products with the same model but with changes in structure, design, function, or capacity, it is considered a new model and the energy labeling document must be redone.
IV. Procedures for importing electric fans
The procedures for importing electric fans are specified in Circular 39/2018/TT-BTC.
Step 1: Declare customs declaration
First, you need to ensure that you have all the necessary import and export documents: Contract, commercial invoice, packing list, bill of lading, certificate of origin, notice of arrival and determine the HS code of the electric fan.
Then, enter the declaration information into the customs system via the software. After completing the customs declaration, register for quality inspection of imported electric fans.
Within 30 days from the date the goods arrive at the port, the customs declarant must declare the customs declaration. If this deadline is exceeded, the importer will face a penalty fee from the customs.
Step 2: Open the customs declaration
After completing the customs declaration, the customs system will return the declaration classification results. If there is a declaration classification, print the declaration and bring the import documents to the customs branch to open the declaration. Depending on the green, yellow, or red classification, perform the steps to open the declaration.
Step 3: Register for quality inspection of electric fans
The process of carrying out import procedures for electric fans needs to be combined with the process of carrying out quality inspection to ensure the completion of the import procedures for electric fans. H-Cargo will present the details in section V of this article.
Step 4: Register for energy labeling for electric fans
Some types of electric fans are on the list of goods that must have energy labels before being put on the market. Energy labeling for electric fans is specified in detail in 04/2017/QD-TTg. H-Cargo will present the details in section VI of this article.
Step 5: Clearing goods
Customs officers check the documents, if there are no questions, the officers will accept the declaration. You can pay import tax on the customs declaration to clear the goods.
Step 6: Bring the goods to the warehouse for storage and use
Make a request to bring the goods to the customer's warehouse or the designated warehouse for storage. When the goods are brought to the warehouse, you must ensure that the goods are kept in their original condition, and are not allowed to trade or use them until the results of the quality inspection and customs clearance are available. After completing the customs clearance procedures, you can trade or use them.
V. Register for quality inspection of electric fans
Electric fans must be inspected for quality when imported according to Circular 3810/QD-BKHCN. The registration for quality inspection is done on the national single window page.
Only when there is a customs declaration can a quality inspection file be made. Therefore, after transmitting the customs declaration, the next step to do is to inspect the quality. Below is the registration process for quality inspection of imported electric fans.
Step 1: Create an account and register a profile
Creating an account on the national single window is the first step when registering for quality control. To create an account on the national single window, you must access the website to enter data according to the available information boxes to create an account.
After having an account, you can register on the national one-stop page at the management section of the Ministry of Science and Technology. When registering a profile, the Department of Standards, Metrology and Quality will be the unit receiving the profile. You need to choose a sample testing unit, the sample testing unit is licensed by the Ministry of Science and Technology.
Creating an account and registering a profile should be done before the following steps of the electric fan import procedure. You should create an account first because it usually takes 24 hours for the account to be accepted.
Step 2: Sampling and quality control
After having the quality control registration number, customs can clear the goods. Sampling for quality control can be done at the port or at the importer's warehouse.
Samples will be taken according to regulations for quality control. The quality control time is according to TCVN and depends on the laboratory, it usually takes 3-5 days to have the test results.
Step 3: Receive results and upload results to the national single window
When the quality control results are available, the importer or the sample testing organization can upload the results to the national single window system. After receiving the results, the Department of Standards and Metrology will review and decide to accept or reject the registration application.
VI. Procedure for registering for energy labeling of electric fans
There are two methods for registering for energy labeling: One is to send a paper dossier to the Ministry of Industry and Trade; The other is to complete the dossier through the electronic information portal of the Ministry of Industry and Trade.
Here, H-Cargo Logistics would like to share with you the procedure for applying for energy labeling of electric fans electronically because this form is not only commonly used by many people but also has advantages in terms of time and cost.
Step 1: Prepare documents and create an account
The dossier for registering for energy labeling includes: Energy labeling registration form; test results by the testing organization for each model; expected energy label sample.
To register, you must create a business account on the Ministry of Industry and Trade's electronic information system at the website address:
Step 2: Register a profile on the electronic information system
After having an account and the necessary documents as mentioned above, you can start creating a profile for energy labeling registration. Data entry is done according to the steps and items in the form of the public information system. When completed, attach the profile mentioned above.
Step 3: Wait for results
After the profile is sent, the Ministry of Industry and Trade will review the profile and approve the profile. If the approval result is available, it can be used to carry out procedures for importing electric fans.
VII. Notes when carrying out procedures for importing electric fans
In the process of carrying out procedures for importing electric fans for customers, H-Cargo Logistics has drawn out some notes that we would like to share with you for reference. When carrying out procedures for importing electric fans, you need to note the following points:
Goods are only cleared through customs when completing tax obligations to the state;
Used electric fans are on the list of prohibited import goods, if you intend to import used goods, you need a scrap import license;
Some types of electric fans, when carrying out import procedures, must carry out both quality inspection procedures and energy labeling before being put on the market for consumption;
The validity of the energy label for a product model is indefinite. Unless the product has been improved and changed in performance and capacity.
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VIII. Conclusion
The above is the entire article on the procedures for importing electric fans, HS codes, import tax, VAT, quality inspection process, and energy labeling for electric fans according to current regulations. Hopefully, this article will help you better understand the procedures for importing electric fans to avoid unnecessary mistakes during the import process.
If you and your business are in need of importing electric fans but are having difficulty with customs procedures or transportation, please contact H-Cargo to receive completely FREE and FASTEST consultation!
Contact us for free consultation: Mr. Ryan– Global Network Specialist Email: Hotline/Zalo/Whatsapp: +84 947 672 825