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Import procedures for shavers - Latest 2024

I. Import procedures for shavers

Shavers are an essential device in men's personal care. The main function of the machine is to quickly and safely shave the beard, giving a neat and confident appearance. Currently, shavers are imported from many countries such as the United States, Europe, Singapore, China, Japan, South Korea, etc. Despite the differences in origin, the import procedures for shavers are still similar. In this article, H-Cargo International Logistics will guide you through the necessary steps to import shaving machines from A to Z, helping you understand the requirements and important notes. Please follow the main content below for more details.

Import procedures for shavers
(Import procedures for shavers)

II. Import policies for Shavers

The process of importing electric shavers is regulated in the following legal documents:

• Circular No. 26/2015/TT-BTC : General regulations on customs duties and procedures.

• Decree No. 08/2015/NĐ-CP : Implementation of the Customs Law on customs procedures, inspection and supervision.

• Circular No. 38/2015/TT-BTC dated 25/3/2015 and amendments, supplements circular 39/2018/TT- BTC dated 20/04/2018: Regulations on customs procedures.

• Circular No. 05/2018/TT-BTC: Regulations on the origin of goods.

• Decree No. 43/2017/NĐ-CP dated 14/4/2017: Regulations on labeling of goods.

• Decree No. 128/2020/NĐ-CP dated 19/10/2020: Regulations on administrative penalties in the customs field.

• Document No. 43/2021/TT-BTC dated 11/06/2021: Regulations on financial management and taxes.

According to the legal regulations mentioned above, shavers are not included in the list of prohibited goods for import. When carrying out Import procedures for shavers, the following points should be noted:

• When importing shavers, the goods must be labeled according to Decree No. 43/2017/NĐ-CP : the label must include full information about the exporter, importer, product name and information and the origin of the goods.

• According to the Circular No. 04/2014/TT-BTC: on the list of used consumer goods prohibited from import (under the management of the Ministry of Industry and Trade), shavers are included in the list of used goods prohibited from import.

• Determine the correct HS code: Determine the exact HS code to correctly determine the tax rate and avoid the risk of penalties. The HS code for shavers is usually 8510.10.00, with a preferential import tax rate of 20% and a VAT of 8%. In addition to the above legal documents, there are many other regulations. Issued over time, so please contact the Hotline, Zalo or Email for advice.

III. Labeling imported goods

The requirement to label imported goods is not new. However, since the issuance of Decree No. 128/2020/NĐ-CP, this process has been monitored and controlled more strictly. Labeling helps regulatory agencies track goods, determine their origin and identify the responsible entities. As a result, labeling has become an essential part of the import process for shavers.

1. Label Content

The content of the label is extremely important, not just the act of labeling itself. The label content for products is specifically regulated in Decree No. 43/2017/NĐ-CP . For shavers, a complete label should include the following information:

  • Accurate name and details of the product;

  • Exporter's information (address, company name);

  • Importer's information (address, company name);

  • Country of origin;

  • Date of manufacture and expiry date (if applicable);

  • Other necessary information that may appear on the label (if any).

All basic information must be clearly displayed on the product label and translated into English or other required languages. During the import process, customs will pay special attention to the label content to ensure compliance with regulations.

2. Label placement on goods

Labeling goods is necessary, but the placement of the label is even more important. When importing, the product label needs to be placed on the surfaces of the shipment such as cartons, wooden crates or product packaging. The label should be placed in a visible position on the product, avoiding being obscured or fading during transportation and storage. Proper label placement will help save time in customs inspection for imported razors.

For retail goods on the market, additional information needs to be displayed such as the manufacturer, quantity of goods, technical specifications, production date and safety warnings.

3. Risks of not labeling when doing import procedures for shavers

Improper labeling or labeling that does not comply with regulations can lead to various risks, big or small, such as:

  • Goods being refused customs clearance: Causing delays in the import process;

  • Administrative fines: Businesses may be fined for non-compliance with labeling regulations, with the penalty specified in Article 22 of Decree No. 128/2020/NĐ-CP;

  • Impact on brand reputation: Causing loss of trust from customers and partners;

  • Not enjoying special import tax incentives due to the origin certification being rejected;

  • Risk of goods being lost or damaged due to lack of warning labels during transportation and handling.

With the above risks, H-Cargo International Logistics recommends that you ensure the content of labeling on imported shaving machines. If you need assistance or have any questions about labeling regulations, please contact us via hotline, Zalo or email for detailed advice.

IV. HS Code for shavers

1. HS Code

HS Code (Harmonized System Code) is a code that encodes a specific type of goods. The HS Code helps identify the name of the goods, describe their characteristics, structure, function, packaging specifications and other attributes. It is an important factor in customs procedures. Below is the HS Code table for the electric shaver that H-Cargo Logistics wants to send to you:

HS code

Description of goods

Import Tax (%)

Preferential import tax (%)

VAT (%)


Electric shever machine




According to the import-export tax schedule, the HS Code for electric shavers is 8510.10.00, with a preferential import tax rate of 20%. The VAT rate for electric shavers is 8%.

According to the import-export tax schedule for 2024, there are other HS Codes for different types of electric shavers, depending on their operating principles, structures and purposes. If you cannot find the appropriate HS Code for your electric shaver, please contact H-Cargo Logistics via hotline, Zalo or email for more detailed advice.

2. Risks of Incorrect HS Code Usage

Accurately determining the HS code is a crucial part of the floor tile import procedure. Incorrect HS code identification can bring several risks, including:

  • Customs procedure delays: Incorrect HS code declaration can slow down customs procedures as customs will need time to check and verify the goods.

  • Fines under Decree 128/2020/ND-CP: Incorrect HS code declaration can lead to penalties as stipulated by Decree 128/2020/NĐ-CP.

  • Delivery delays: If the incorrect HS code is detected, customs may require correction or clarification, causing delays in the delivery process, affecting business operations.

  • Additional import taxes and fines: Incorrect HS code declaration can result in additional import taxes and fines, with penalties starting at 2,000,000 VND and potentially reaching up to three times the owed tax amount.

3. Import Taxes for shavers

When importing shavers, the importer must fulfill the obligations related to import taxes. Goods can only be cleared through customs after all taxes have been paid. Import taxes include two main types: import duty and VAT. The import duty rate is determined based on the HS code of the goods.

The calculation of taxes when importing shavers is performed according to the following formulas:

  • Import duty is calculated based on the CIF value and tax rate:

       Import duty = CIF value x import duty rate

  • Import VAT is calculated based on the CIF value and import duty:

      Import VAT = (CIF value + import duty) x VAT rate

The import duty rate for shavers depends on the applicable tax rate, which can change based on whether a Certificate of Origin (C/O) is available.

When calculating import taxes for shavers, consider the following points:

  • Countries that have signed trade agreements with Vietnam may be subject to special preferential tax rates as per legal regulations.

  • To enjoy preferential tax rates, a Certificate of Origin is required.

  • In tax calculations, the value is based on the CIF value. For orders purchased under other terms, the value needs to be converted to CIF for tax calculation.

  • In addition to import duty, import VAT must also be calculated as per legal regulations.

V. Import documentation for shavers

Importing procedures for shavers, in particular, are similar to those for importing other goods in general. The regulations regarding these procedures are clearly stated in Circular 38/2015/TT-BTC dated March 25, 2015 and have been amended and supplemented by Circular 39/2018/TT-BTC dated April 20, 2018.

The import dossier includes:

  1. Customs declaration form

  2. Commercial invoice

  3. Packing list

  4. Bill of lading

  5. Certificate of origin (if available)

  6. Catalog (if available) and other documents as required by customs

The above is a complete list of the necessary documents to carry out the import procedures for shavers. Among these, the customs declaration form, commercial invoice and bill of lading are the most important documents. Other documents will be supplemented when requested by the customs authorities.

Thoroughly preparing the import dossier before importing shavers is crucial. Importers need to ensure that documents such as the bill of lading and certificate of origin are readily available by requesting the seller to send them in advance through express delivery services. This helps avoid waiting for documents, reducing the risk of container and yard storage.

VI. Procedure for importing shavers

The import procedure for electric shavers and other goods is clearly defined in Circular 38/2015/TT-BTC dated March 25, 2015 and Circular 39/2018/TT-BTC dated April 20, 2018. Below are the steps to follow to understand this procedure.

Step 1: Customs declaration After preparing all necessary documents such as contracts, commercial invoices, packing lists, bills of lading, certificates of origin and arrival notices, along with determining the HS code for electric shavers, you can enter the information into the customs system through the Ecuss5 electronic customs declaration software. This declaration requires importers to have knowledge of entering information into the software. Do not make the declaration if you are not familiar with the procedure, as it may lead to irreversible errors, causing significant time and cost to rectify.

Step 2: Opening the customs declaration After completing the declaration, the customs system will return the declaration processing result. Based on this result, you print the declaration and submit the import dossier to the customs office to open the customs declaration. The process of opening the declaration depends on the Green, Yellow, Red channel classification.

The customs declaration must be opened as soon as possible, within 15 days from the declaration date at the latest. The declarant must bring the dossier to the customs office to open the customs declaration. If the declaration is not opened within the 15-day period, it will be canceled and you will face penalties from the customs authorities.

Step 3: Customs clearance After verifying the dossier and finding no issues, the customs officer will accept the customs declaration for clearance. You can proceed with paying the import duties, liquidating the declaration and completing the customs clearance process.

Step 4: Transportation to the warehouse, storage and use of goods Once the customs declaration has been cleared, you can proceed with the necessary procedures to transport the goods to the warehouse and use them.

These are the basic steps in the import procedure for electric shavers. If you need further assistance, please contact us via Zalo, Hotline or Email for detailed advice.

VII. Some notes when importing shavers

During the process of importing shavers for customers, H-Cargo Logistics has some important notes that we would like to share these experiences for your reference:

  • Importers need to comply with import tax obligations according to the regulations of the state.

  • Currently, shavers are subject to a value-added tax (VAT) of 8%.

  • When importing shavers, it is essential to comply with the regulations on product labeling according to Decree No. 43/2017/ND-CP.

  • Accurately determining the HS code helps calculate the correct tax and avoid unnecessary penalties.

  • It is advisable to complete the procedures for declaring the classification of medical devices before importing. Avoid the situation of receiving goods and then completing the procedures, which will lead to storage and warehousing.

We hope that these notes will be helpful to you. If you find this information useful, please share it with your friends so that they can also refer to it. If you have any comments or suggestions, please provide feedback so that we can further improve.

VIII. Conclusion

Above is a summary of the Import procedures for shavers, including HS codes, import taxes, value-added taxes and related policies. We hope that this article has provided you with the necessary and useful information.

If you are a customer or a business with a need to import shavers but are facing difficulties with customs procedures or transportation, please contact H-Cargo for FREE and FAST consultation!

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